Just four Pictures

How can four pictures embody a town? They just can't, but when using Picasa you can only post four pictures at a time so I had to limit myself to four. What a struggle between beauty and character. The first thing you see as you are about to enter town is a sign that says, Oremos por Puerto Rico (Let us pray for Puerto Rico). It sets the tone for a people calling out to God for his deliverance of Puerto Rico with it grave problems of crime, drugs, murders, etc. Dios nos oiga. God hear us. Then in town there is the town hall or alcaldia, and two lovely churches, the Catholic one with the patron saint of Miguel Arcangel (Michael the Archangel) and then the evangelical church, Church of the Rock. Obviously two strong institutions serving the Lord in one town. How blessed they are. God bless Utuado. Later I will put up more pictures, but I didn't want to down play the spiritual side of this lovely typical town.
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