
What is free cycle? For those who don't know free cycle is an organization created to help people recycle, reuse, and reduce. The way it works is that you become a member of a free cycle group near you. You want to join a group near you because if you are going to pick up something and its free, you don't want to drive across town to get it unless of course it is something really worth your while like a piano, or a dining room table. Definitely someone else's trash can be your treasure. Frankly you would be surprised the things people are willing to throw away, especially things they don't want to move.

I don't have to tell you, you can get really neat things. This summer a man was cleaning out a house that had just been vacated, and he posted a patio furniture set with umbrella, etc. Whoever got that, really got a steal. I've seen clothing, children books and toys, old telephones, beds, mattresses, a 21" analog television set, school supplies, notebooks, binders, and today, someone was giving away a Classic Car coffee table book. This may not sound like much, but if it is what you need, it's great.

How has freecycling worked for me? Well I have learned some lessons. First you have got to get in your groups email list. At first, I was hesitant to being deluged with my groups emails, so I opted to get my group's late afternoon summary email. When I would get this daily summary, I would basically miss my chance of getting anything worthwhile because someone would inevitably contact the donor on the spot or soon after. Then I switched to getting an email from those making offers or those expressing a need. Yesterday was my lucky day! A couple of days ago, I had seen someone offer some day lilies. I don't know if you know how valuable these beautiful yellow and white flowers are, but I knew. They are out of my budget right now. So I emailed the lady, and she said she was sorry but someone else was going to get them. I was naturally disappointed, but guess what happened? The person didn't show to pick up the day lilies and she contacted me. They are now securely in my back porch until I figure out the best place to plant them. I am so excited. Do you know how pretty day lilies are?

I am placing a link to my area's freecycle. If you would like to join a group outside my area but in yours, you can contact the ReUseItNetwork The more people that join the better. You might be surprised by something you can use coming your way, not to mention meeting and interacting with really nice people.


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