Santorum goes to Puerto Rico

Dear Mr. Santorum,

As you visit my beautiful island today, let you values lead you. I know you are an honorable man with deep convictions and you will be guided so to say by people in power who perhaps have not had your background. I have been following your campaign through this primary season and will be observing you now that you are at my homeland. Please get your information from reliable sources especially the situation about crime, economy, and social issues. The situation in Puerto Rico is not isolated from the United States since its people come and go into the United States freely, so what is done in Puerto Rico to American citizens there either by neglect or lack of vision can always come back to bite you. In other words, don't go there just to harvest votes, but plant some seeds of encouragement, hope, and present a plan to help solve some of these issues. It is not just those people down there having problems with hurricanes, it goes much deeper than that. Those people are Americans, too.

By the way, congratulations on your wins last night.


Elba Vazquez


Kofla Olivieri said…
Rick Santorum is everything thst is wrong about american polititians. I am surprised he lasted as long as he did as a Pennsylvania senator. In the 16 years I've lived in Pennsyslvania, I've never seen anyone as bigoted as Rick Santorum.

And as expected, he is now in P.R. making promises he cannot deliver, all in the name of collecting the necessary votes.

There is definitely something wrong with people who vote for anyone who claims that "an imprisoned father who abandoned their child is better than a gay parent". You don't have to believe me, look it up, that is one of Rick Santorum favorite quotes.
Elba said…
I appreciate your insightful comments.

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