Believing God

Believing God
Believing what He says about you
and what He says about Himself
is so important
He is the Light of the World
The King of Kings
The Prince of Peace
The Way
The Truth
The Life
Worthy to be Slain
The Holy One of Israel
Our Redeemer
Our Strong Tower
Our Hope
Our Deliverer
The Messiah
The Anointed One
The Cleft of the Rock
Yahweh Jirah
Our Provider
Yeshua Ha Mashiach
Our Righteousness
The Creator of the Ends of the Earth
that never sleeps nor grows weary
The Holy Spirit
Breath of God
The Mighty One of Israel
The Rewarder of them that Diligently
Seek Him
My Hope
The one who gives me peace
who forgives all my sins
who heals all of my diseases
who satisfies my desires with good things
so that my youth is renewed like the eagles
who sets me on a rock
who requires me to forgive
cast all my cares upon Him for
He cares for me
who says "Vengeance is mine!"
I will repay.
Who keeps my feet from falling,
my feet from slipping, and if I
should fall, he picks me up,
dusts me off.
God is good,
I can trust Him,
so I forgive,
give Him all my tears,
He bottles them,
He casts my sin in the ocean
and as far as the east is from the west,
He remembers them no more.
I am loved,
I am forgiven,
I am healed,
He calls me Beloved,
turtle dove,
apple of His eye

One single voice
the voice that counts
over ten thousands
the voice of Truth
the voice of God.
Nothing can separate me from
his love.


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