Cell phone Cameras

Thank goodness for cell phone cameras, old friends, God's forgiveness, and tostones.

I left my camera in Orlando. I almost live and breathe with my camera, and I left it. It's a good camera too, and you just can't spend a couple of hundred dollars for a camera for a couple of days, so I am doing with out in a sense. I do have my cellphone camera, but it is never as good as the other one, besides it is so small my finger always gets in the way and it's awkward when driving. But it will have to do. The picture of the old balcony was taken with my LG. Perhaps today I can get more. I really wanted to take a picture of a balcony a day, and I am so sorry, but I haven't been able to. Actually, one of the draw backs is that I have difficulty downloading the pictures with out an adapter, so I text them to my email but sometimes they just won't go through. But I am still thankful I got them.

Old friends, well I ran into some at church this morning. They took me out to eat at a nice restaurant in Los Paseos, called Bebo's. That's the nice part. We talked and talked and I lost track of time, and before I knew it, I didn't make it to a place I needed to go. I'm conflicted, I mean I feel conflicted but I know I was where I needed to be. Things happen. People judge. God forgives. I don't know about certain people forgiving, but God forgives me.

And well tostones. Tostones speak for themselves. I had some.


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