If I Had a E

Well, yeah, if I had had an E playing Scrabble I would have written fore not for.   After I said it, I  thought it sounded like a good title.  If I had an E.  If I had a hammer, I would hammer in the morning, and if I had known better I would have been reading Rick Reilly for years.

I just finished reading two articles by Rick Reilly, and you can't read Rick Reilly without having your mind energized, zooming instead of slowing down, and dreaming instead of sleeping.  The man is a genius when it comes to writing.  How amazing to have a job that you love and can do from a computer.  Now that I analyze his writing and every thing he puts into it,  it is doubtful he does it all simply by sitting in front of a computer.  I know he must be a sponge or he takes copious notes, perhaps both.  Many of his articles include vignettes of common people with funny sounding names which he uses for entertainment or sentimental purposes.  He makes us feel in his best articles that there is depth in the mundane and ordinary.  Take for example his article titled, "Be the 74,659th In Line," written October 10th, 2007.  By the end of this article about the Green Bay Packers, you not only wished you liked football but that you were a die hard Green Bay Packers fan. In fact, you are kicking yourself because you had not signed on for some of those season tickets way back in 1970 even if it will take 37 years to get them.  He makes you cheer with the team and cry with the man whose father did sign up for the tickets.  Sadly his father died six months before his tickets came through. You read about how heartbroken his son is and your eyes start to water.

I think I know what Reilly does. He puts a face and heart to all those anonymous fans behind this big operation called professional sports.  He lets us hear their intriguing stories, their opinions, and unusual insights.  He lets the little guy speak and tells you his secrets.  Suddenly all those fans with a radio on their ear and watching three games simultaneously don't seem so bizarre.   For doing all of that with a heart, and also making all of us laugh with the analogies, similes and metaphors, that are as down to earth as southern grits and bacon, Mr.Reilly,  I salute you!


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