I Have Been So Busy

I really do have a lot to say but I have been so busy... busy with classwork, busy with lesson plans, busy with trying to clean my house, busy with traveling and many upturned plans, busy with family, busy with selling an apartment, busy with my dog, busy with reading... I am sure you get the picture.  Call it a hiatus.  That's it.  A hiatus.  But for this wonderful week of slowing down and reflecting on what is really important.  Stopping to consider what most Christians consider, as so I do, the most significant event in world history: the scourging, death, and ressurection of Jesus, Yeshua Ha Machiah.

Funny, but I mean curiously, and finally, gratefully, Jewish people are taking another look at Jesus.  He is after all Jewish.  He lived as a Jew, interpreted the Law or Torah as a Jew, and came for the Jew first.  Yeshua is a Jewish Rabbi, Prophet, and King.  Someday the veil will come off their eyes to realize, that Yeshua is Jewish and he is their Messiah.  He said not one dot or tittle would be removed from the Torah and the Holy Scriptures.  He said it had to be done a certain way so that the Scriptures would be fulfilled.  On the day he died, 29 prophecies were fulfilled. The vinegar they gave him to drink, the robes the soldiers betted on, being lifted up like Moses lifted the serpant in the desert, they pierced his hands and his feet yet none of his bones were broken, they mocked him, he was sold for 30 pieces of silver, and rejected by those he came to save.  Then he fulfilled prophecies that he was helpless as a baby to control.  He did not contrive his birth.  He did not contrive his need to escape to Egypt, and he did not contrive his living in Nazareth, all required prophecies pertaining to his identity.  He also did miracles that only God could do.  He healed people blind from birth, he fed 5,000, 4,000 men plus families, he calmed the seas, he cured leprosy, and he forgave sin.  By just saying his name, I Am, when they went to arrest him, all of the soldiers fell.  Don't take my word for it.  Open the account of eye witnesses.  Run to find a New Testament or read Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 or Isaiah 9.  It is all there.  The Torah is all about him, the Feasts are God's appointments are all pointing to Him, and in the weekly Seder Meal, he is that broken unleaven bread that is wrapped and hidden.  It is Yeshua. It is the Messiah.

It is has been a long time coming....but it is not here yet...though many Jews are coming to Jesus, I feel that some walls are coming down which opens the door for reflection and a holy investigation of "Who is this man who said he was the Son of God and the Son of Man?"

See the CNN Religious Blog Post at http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/04/05/jews-reclaim-jesus-as-one-of-their-own/


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