Fall Gardening

I just got inspired to finish a gardening project. Veggie and herbal planting is something I really want to tackle. As I was listening to the radio I considered it was time to finish my planter boxes. On Midday Connection, a lovely program on Moody Radio that I subscribe to seeing I am teaching at one or two o'clock in the afternoon, had Melinda Myers, an horticulturalist talking about all sorts of plants and vegetables. You can't help but listen to them talk about plants and not get inspired. So I will be off to Lowe's to buy some of their enriched potting soil, herbs, more veggies, and I know I will splurg on some plants. The kind I really want to purchase are the beautiful lavendar hydrangeas. I can just picture them next to my back window. Perhaps some African irises, too. Now the question is, do I have room for so much stuff in the back of my PT Cruiser? I hope so!


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