Mud About You : Pottery Making

Myriad of paints, choices choices choices, unglazed pottery of all shapes and sizes, ample pine tables, rolls of paper towels, aprons, and friendly staff makes for a fun activity either for yourself, family, or group of friends if you are lucky enough to live in Penfield, New York. My daughter and I, with my energetic and artistic granddaughters in tow went to Mud About You again. This was my second visit this year. My infrequent visits are due to the fact that I live in Orlando and not Penfield. If it were otherwise I think I would be there almost everyweek. We had such a nice time making starfish, corn on the cob, hearts, mugs, and trivets in our own creative way.

Annie, my daughter, was the most courageous making a sushi platter and a matching dip bowl. Simple yet practical. Smart girl. I made a mug for my herbal tea inspired by some outstanding glasswork from the Corning Glass Museum. Mine is light years away from my inspiration but it captured some of the joy and it too will be used. Zee made a bunch of colorful items including a multicolored baby bottle and some corn on the cob.

We did have a mishap; Aay's little starfish fell and cracked. When Aay learned what had happened she burst into tears. She had worked so hard on it. Fortunately the young lady attending the studio told us it was fixable. When Aay found out it could be fixed she found her smile again. We were also told that we would not be charged for that item. So it all worked out.

But the best part in going is doing it together and having the opportunity to do something artistic in a tangible way. The additional reward is having a momento of the experience and being able to use it, too.

An important note is that there is a wait period for you to pick up your fired items. It takes approximately a week to have them fired and ready for each client so plan ahead if you need them for a particular date.

If you live in the Penfield area you can go To Mud About You, too. Happy pottery making!


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