My friend Maria was so gracious to take care of me during my operation and accompanied me when I had to go to the hospital with chest pains. She is the ultimate Christian friend, not in word only, but in sincerity and action. I just can't thank her enough. Though Maria has lived most of her adult life in the United States, she was born in the northern part of Spain in a seaport town called Ponte Vedra. One of her favorite views is this small valley dotted with scrub, corn, and grapes as seen from her mother's porch . The oil painting on the left is just that scene from her mother's house. I borrowed some pictures so I could paint it. She has not seen this painting yet and I hope she likes it. This is my way of saying "Thank you, Maria for being there for me!!" It isn't quite finished but I hope she gets the idea of what it will look like.