Congratulations Juan Daniel!!!

Four long years at the school you wrestled with. The Military College of South Carolina. A statement in itself. Congratulations for hanging in there, especially that first year, learning that little book( The Guide On?) you had to memorize, synchronized eating, finding good jokes at lunch for the upperclassmen, doing all the tours, the late nights writing essays, the times you hid under the mattress to sleep, dropping out, I mean transferring to InterAmerican, and then returning in such a coincidental yet smooth way, that almost seemed meant to be, and then because of your absence not getting your Ring with the others, and keeping your head up in spite of it, then things started to get better, rooming with M.Quisenberry, by serving as Spanish Club President, Battalion Human Affairs Officer, encouraging the Nobs, long bike rides, Tertulias downtown with the Spanish club and the College of Charleston exercising in the new exercise room, getting the Z, wearing your Blazer, wearing THE Ring, getting your PathFinder, selling the Z, and now finishing your degree. I've watched you on your way to the Citadel, when you got there, sending you goodie bags, not as many as you needed, shopping with you, and driving up to Charleston to visit you as often as I could, talking to you during your only free time at 11:00 at night when I had work the next day, being disappointed when you gave it up, and now proud to see you finish. So many good people influenced you along the way, I know, Abuelo Sammy, Abuelo Tito, tu padre, Sgt. Major Hoffman, Col. Symolon, Sense Reese, and countless others who deserve our thanks, but these are the ones that come to mind. Remember them today, from wherever they are, at least three are now in heaven, and I know must be smiling with this achievement! I certainly am. Un abrazo hijo, un abrazo.


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