News is My Business

I have written about the San Juan Star and the Puerto Rico Daily Sun before, but if you want to read about current, objective, and relevant Caribbean business with a well connected outlook, you need to read, News is My Business. News is My Business can not be bought in stores yet but you can get it at your house, phone, or business 24/7 as it is an internet venue, taking business reporting into the cutting edge of the technological era. You don't have to sit and wait for the morning newspaper to arrive since the news is already available almost as quickly as it occurs from a reliable source.

News is My Business covers areas such as Auto, Banking/Insurance, Economy, Education, Government, Manufacturing, Retail, and Tourism all of which are areas that will help a potential investor in making a wise decision in the Caribbean and Puerto Rico in particular. Not only will readers not have to hunt through various news papers to get an indepth report on business in the Caribbean, but its experienced editor, Michelle Kantrow, an Over Seas Press Club winner,  has already cut down on the clutter and selected articles because of their impact on the local Caribbean/Puerto Rico economy. When it comes to investments, knowledge is power and the sooner the better. Hear are some recent articles that I believe demonstrate this well rounded and indepth view of business in Puerto Rico without slanted or biased reporting.

CNE: Treasury’s revenue collections estimates no sign of economic improvement

Supermarkets must focus on technology, trends, to draw consumers

Why am I sharing this information about News is My Business? First is it a local endeavor, second it is well written and unbiased, and thirdly I want others to know the quality of serious journalism and to keep it around.

So share the word...and if you like what you see, invest.


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