Sea World Sunrise Service


I did something bold and exhilarating this morning. I got up at 5:49 more or less, and the first thing that came to my mind was, Sunrise Service! What? Me go to the Sea World Sunrise Service? I must have heard wrong! I've never done that before and much more alone?. But precisely. Umm. Should I or shouldn't I? I can do this if you are in it Lord. So I put out a fleece and immediately I got the answer and I showered and got ready and left the house. Remember my garage door is broken and it was pitch black outside, but I ventured anyway. Then to go get gas at that time. Again everything went well, and then drive across town to SeaWorld. I didn't know the way... I basically followed the crowd and made it. The parking was filling up fast and once we started walking in you could hear the service begin. Prayers were being said and we could hear them as we walked. Then Big Daddy Weave performed their best worship music and the special speaker, a woman this year gave a lovely message of drawing close to God in a personal relationship. Imagine, seeing Jesus as alive as he is! Talking to him and living out our lives in a continual conversation and reality. It was genuine and personal. God bless her.

I am so glad I listened to the voice of God this morning and went out of my comfort zone and followed him. In a sense it was like Mary Magdalene and the other ladies, getting up at dawn to go serve the Lord. How were they going to anoint him with that huge rock in the way? But they went anyway, while it was pitch black, and he rewarded them for their love. God rewarded me, too, with renewed confidence and the reality that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
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