First Cold Front of the Season

Finally.  Yes, finally, it has been a row of interminable days of summer.  Though the calendar says Autumn the weather had said no. So yes, finally.  But what comes next?  Complaints of chilly nights having to find a night cap to keep my head warm as I sleep in a icy room.  You can not have the cake and eat it.

The weather is turning cooler and
with it comes the wonderful range of yellows, oranges, and rusty reds.
I just can't wait to see them like long lost friends.
The weather is turning cooler.
Finally, Fall is here, and yes it will mean
dusty leaves to rake,
then that old North Wind sweeping down,
rustling our hair,
chilling our backs, and
making the little leaves dance.
I might have to crochet myself a night cap,
but who cares.
The seasons are changing.
The world is in order.

No summer lasts for ever and
some nice crisp Fall weather can do us all some good.

Now where did I put my Apple Cider Tea?


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